Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Transgressions Blotted Out

Transgressions Blotted Out

Psalm 51:1

“Have mercy upon me Oh God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions.”

            Personal sin being past and irrevocable; brings consternation upon the awakened soul of the sinner who at last realizes that he must meet the God against whom he has sinned; and answer for his affront to the perfect holiness of his creator. Further; by the word of truth, he may find that he is a helpless sinner, (having sinned in his federal head, Adam) and that because of participation in federal union in Adam he has received a fallen, corrupted, and ruined nature; and that, because of what he is by nature he is only obnoxious to eternal destruction in the sight of God. So that as he stands in the flesh and under the law of God; he is punishable in the sight of God to eternal ruin, the everlasting burnings, eternal contempt in the sight of God, and sentenced to ceaseless, unbearable and intolerable misery. But such a person may; through the providence of God, find that there is mercy in the Lord. Oh, glad day; when hope of peace with God is found for those who are and have been offenders of his holiness and truth.
            David knew of the mercy of God; he knew that our God delights to show mercy, and therefore betook himself to beg for mercy, seeing it was his only hope. He asked for mercy according to the tender mercies of God; and according to the lovingkindness of God; attributes that are in God as he is in himself. Though our God is a God of great mercies; yet he will not show mercy at the expense of his truth, and holiness, his law must be satisfied in its penalty and fulfilled in its precept: Therefore, God sent his Son; The Son of God, and God the Son, into this world to fill up the breach created by the sin of man.
            Christ would fill the breach by taking our nature into union with His Divine person; and in our nature, fulfill the Surety-ship engagements He had agreed to in the covenant of grace in old eternity. By His blood He would satisfy the penalty of the law; for we who were the subjects of his Surety-ship had sinned, and the sin of those for whom Christ is Surety was laid on him. In His Humanity He would obey the law to its jot and tittle and thus for His covenant people fulfill the precept of the law. Therefore; in the Surety of the covenant those who are the children of the covenant, are without fault before the law of God, for Christ Jesus has fulfilled all the law of God in the room and stead of His people. Therefore rejoice, Oh, believer, for thy sin is blotted out with the blood of Jesus Christ; and that blot, is a blot, that the judicial eye of God will never penetrate.
A.J. Ison

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